The Elysium Retreat Package
$149.00 $99.00

This self-led solo individual retreat experience will guide you in reviewing your last 365 days and planning the next year of your life!
The Elysium Retreat Package will allow anyone to conduct their own life-changing personal retreat experience from any location.
Protect two days to recharge, do some incredibly powerful inner work, and create intentions/goals around what you want out of your next year. Create the annual habit of working ON your life, rather than just IN your life!
The Elysium Retreat Package includes:
- The Pre-Retreat Guide
- The Elysium Retreat Workbook
- A $15 donation to CAMFED Canada, which buys the school supplies for one marginalized girl in Sub-Saharan Africa for a whole school year
- The Post Retreat Video
Fully wrap up your last year and create a powerful plan that will help you squeeze every drop of life out of the next 365 days!
**All prices are in Canadian dollars**